Cash Through Clarity™ Training Program
Claim Your Ideal Clients and Attract 'Em With the Perfect Words

See, I’ve been in this business for a long time, and it grieves me to see all the money people spend on the strategic side of marketing (what I call "the doing"): learning techniques, processes and steps—only to be permanently stalled when they can’t answer the big questions: "Who am I marketing to and why would they want to work with me versus a competitor?" Once this occurs, these wonderful people lose their ability to move forward. All their investments begin collecting dust while the guilt of making those purchases eats away at their self-confidence.
I don't want this to happen to you!
And that’s exactly why I created the Cash Through Clarity™ Training Program.
Throughout this training, I share the same methods with you that have worked for hundreds of my private clients over the last four years.
I teach you to laser-focus your marketing, so it finally works for you!
Now, before I tell you what you get in this training, let me first share with you what you WON’T:
YOU WON'T be bulldozed into picking a niche. Choosing a niche before you've fleshed out (and claimed) your Ideal Client can trap you into a vicious cycle of expending more and more effort for less and less reward.
YOU WON'T start by focusing on copywriting or branding or any of the "how to" of marketing. Before you can think about any of that, you need clarity. You cannot market authentically without it! (Branding without clarity is like beautiful wrapping on an empty package—very pretty but it's got no content!)

YOU WON'T be taught a one-size-fits-all strategy to magically turn your marketing around. You see, I believe that everyone is unique and your business is as unique as you are. Your marketing should be in perfect alignment with your gifts!
YOU WON'T have to struggle through this alone. This is NOT just another cookie-cutter info product, this is a FULL implementation program COMPLETE with online coaching in our Training Center. YOU get the personal attention and specific strategies to YOUR unique situation. Your business is different, so you should get the personalized help and support you need to make sure your marketing honors that difference AND gets you the results you’re looking for.
Now here is just a taste of what you WILL get with the Cash Through Clarity Training Program.
You will learn how to:
- Finally discover and claim your Ideal Client—get this foundation right and all your marketing becomes easy. (Not knowing your Ideal Client IS a recipe for disaster... so avert it now!)
- Tune in to your Ideal Client’s frequency, join their wavelength, and choose the words that inspire them to say “I need that!”
- Laser focus your marketing so you attract more of the people you love to work with. (This involves learning how to say “no” to the ones you don’t, too!)
- Walk away with THE juicy words for ALL these marketing pieces:
- Juicy websites
- Effective Juicy 30-Second Introduction
- Cool Opt-In Quiz/Assessment
- Powerful Headlines
- Catchy Talk Titles & Program Names
- Business Card (Make it a keeper!)
- Juicy Benefits
- Juicy Brochure/flyer words
- Bullets for sales page
- Posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
- Words for all sales conversations
- Find your own authentic marketing voice instead of latching onto what someone else thinks ‘your market’ will like, or what will sell.
- Discover your own “juicy” words, which you’ll immediately be able to incorporate into ALL your online and offline marketing materials (websites, brochures, sales letters, etc.) plus use them in your conversations with prospects and on the stage… AND in all your networking situations, too! Best part? It will feel SO natural and authentic! (Formulas and templates provided!)
- Differentiate yourself from everyone else out there in your field.
- Build your confidence and conviction in the value of what you’re offering, and raise your fees! Earn what you are worth, and what your Ideal Clients will be more than happy to pay you.
- Develop your own unique Marketing Plan tailored specifically to you, your strengths and your Ideal Clients. (Stop listening to the “gurus” and searching for the “right” way! With this in place, you save time, energy and money. You get focused, maximizing results with less effort!)
- Get the courage to charge what you are worth (and more). When you have the words to describe what you do for people, and you do it with confidence and conviction, something changes inside and you find yourself able raise your fees...a lot! (And when you don't know how to describe what you do, you feel smaller, tend to discount or even give it away.)
- Eliminate the guilt you have around other investments. Clients tell me over and over, "Working with you has made all my other investments pay off." They are collecting dust because you are not clear. Get clear and you will now use all the programs you invested in. (Because it's not YOU that's the problem -- it's because you didn't have clarity.)
- Fine tune your product or service so it's an exact match to your Ideal Client’s needs. (Accomplish this and you'll have them crawling over broken glass to work with you!)
- Simplify your marketing so you can focus precisely on where your Ideal Clients hang out—this will save you hours and hours, not to mention hundreds of dollars.

I'm Lisa Cherney, the Juicy Marketing Expert and Founder of Conscious Marketing. Over the years, I have worked with iconic brands like AT&T, Nissan and Lipton at top advertising agencies. I have also personally worked with 1000s of new and experienced business owners from at least 30 different industries. Kym Yancey, President of eWomenNetwork called her, “One of the most brilliant marketers I know!” Robert Allen, author of multiple New York Times bestsellers including The One-Minute Millionaire says, “Listen to everything Lisa Cherney says about marketing!” I’m known for my ability to cut through the hype and get to the heart of what my clients uniquely bring to the table. But my greatest accomplishment is having the courage to laser-focus my marketing (which means saying “no” to non-ideal clients) and tripling my income in 2009 while taking off Fridays and Mondays to be a mom. In 2010 Marketing Clarity was my top priority and I doubled her income again to over a half million dollars. And in 2012 I crossed the 7-Figure mark…still working part-time!
But it wasn't always like this. In fact, there was a time when I worked for the very worst boss around—ME! And it wasn't until I implemented for myself this simple system where I was able to turn things around.